bandersnatch bees have inspired manny a kickass idea (such as eating honey), but the best can be found at it is swarm music. he uses a computer to generate a swarm of "bees" (they look like little red triangles) who move in a realistic pattern. plus, as they move they generate music (each axis is a different compnet such as x-axis = pitch or what not).

go, listen to the demo's, buy the cd. it is well worth it
crOwl bee yourself.
be good.

heat. that's what follows the pain of the sting.
raze i didn't mean to let you in the house. but now that you're here, please refrain from flying into exposed light bulbs. i know the glow can be alluring, but some of those things get pretty hot. and i think you'll find the prospects of pollination aren't all you hoped they'd be. 220921
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who go