Fascinated by Shiney Objects Although it is believed that the common segmented worm family does not have any oral facilities with which to scream, I have pondered if existentially when rain storms force the worms to vacate the soil and seek the comfort of pavement, as they are run over by numerous tires, do they scream?

If so, how many dorito bags could we fill and market around Halloween?

raze i killed a few as a child, intentionally, stupidly. i cut them in half with a stick after the rain brought them out where i could see them and watched two worms do the slow wriggle where only one had been a moment before. i was mesmerized by guts and blood escaping from tiny things. i never heard a scream, but i think of the sounds that would come out of me if some larger creature cleaved me in two, and i wish i'd left those worms alone. 140205
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