somniac its raging
each side evenly matched
which leaves a veil of serenity on the surface

one side wants to do something fantastic
to prove the doubters
and the assumers
and the critics
this side is propelled by the fear of doing nothing, being nothing, making nothing

the other side is terrified
of mud all over my face when i fall
of giving it my all
and that not being enough
this side makes me procrastinate
makes me say "i'm applying for a scholarship, but i probably won't get it"
makes me blather instead of work

will i ever stop wanting to prove myself
to myself?
will it ever be enough to convince me that i am ok?
does everyone die in doubt?

it comes back to the same old questions - will i ever be happy?
and - is it worth the wait?
what's it to you?
who go