epitome of incomprehensibility In a starfish world, humans have bad table manners. They chew things with their sloppy disgusting teeth and swish them around with their tongues, and their stomachs don't even come out of their mouths to absorb their food smoothly and politely.

They're also bad at regrowing limbs, and their skin has very little texture.
unhinged sunflower star

the world's fastest species of starfish.

we hiked in discovery park on thanksgiving, made our way to the beach, in this case puget sound. we saw so many cool things that day.

at the time we didn't know what it was called (we looked it up later in the book he keeps in his car for this exact reason, to identify unknown animals and plants on his hikes), we both poked at it. he even tried to pick it up. and then, all these little tentacle anenome like things jutted out of it's underbelly and it scurried, yes scurried, back towards the ocean.

'woah, i have never seen a starfish move that fast'

when the little book told us it was the fastest moving starfish in the world we were not surprised.
e_o_i Cool!

I don't think I've seen a live starfish except in an aquarium. They like warm water.
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