epitome of incomprehensibility I was probably around 15 when I realized that "indie" in "indie music" was short for "independent."

What did I think it was before? This is a little embarrassing, but music from India. Or in an Indian style. As in movies: the Bollywood to U.S.'s Hollywood.

Memory of the local paper from when my school did "The Gazette Challenge" when I was 11 or 12, showing a picture of an indie band with a South Asian guy. And so the association was formed or reinforced. But maybe this is a reconstruction in the present. Maybe it was just about the word.
e_o_i For years I thought the phrase "a day that will live in infamy" (it's actually "a date which will live in infamy") was something George W. Bush said about 9/11.

It was only in my twenties I learned the actual origin (though probably Bush or someone referred back to it): Franklin D. Roosevelt said this about the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941.

My dad remembers learning this in school, but then he's from the U.S.
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