cr0wl and show you where the letter G can be found engraved by nature in a stone... 090216
unhinged you have the uncanny knack of grabbing for my hand just when i need you to 090217
kerry searching for "that bakery" in chinatown, doing errands like going to t-mobile to replace your cracked phone and getting cortisone cream from cvs, past all the stores and restaurants that are closed because it's monday. on broken pavement, broken glass, under ancient trees, in brutal heat. smacking you on the butt because you pretend to be embarrassed but obviously aren't, sometimes lagging behind, past hideous public art that we decide is "culture." through clumps of stinking bodies, drunk people laughing, past a man shooting up in plain sight and a woman who pretends to be demented, by the fruit stand and the 7/11 and sex shop and boarded-up african episcopal church, until we collapse in your air-conditioned studio. 230724
what's it to you?
who go