raze she seemed shy. or maybe "shy" isn't strong enough. i think she might be the quietest person i've ever had in this house. even her singing seemed shy. but there's something really unique going on in theresome kind of quiet power, and some unexpected subtle shadings. what's interesting about mapping things out for people is the little grace notes they find a way to slip in, whether they mean to or not. in this case it was the pronunciation of a few words, like "suture". at first i thought, "that's a little odd." then i thought, "i like that it's a little odd. let's keep it." so it was kept. 150701
raze was she wearing a nirvana shirt? i think she was wearing a nirvana shirt. i didn't think she was all that interested in this, but that must have been the shyness playing with me, because she sent an email and asked how it was going with the song. said she was excited to hear it. so that's good. 150723
raze i made gave her voice a lot of other voices to play with, and the whole thing grew a little larger than i was expecting it to. but it was a good kind of growth. she says it sounds magical, but i think a lot of the magic came from her. 150810
raze that's right. i made gave. i did done. i will would. 150810
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