Bespeckled I am in a phase during which I define my attractiveness by a number on the scale in my roommate's bedroom.

During this phase, I try as hard as I can to starve myself without experiencing any sever discomfort.

I hate food, I hate food, I hate food.
I long for it.

I will lost 5 pounds.

I will be thing enough. Then I will start eating again. Then the 5 pounds will come back. I'll feel good for a week.

I will notice that I've gained weight. I will hate myself for 2 months. I will feel inhibited during sex. My boyfriend will think I'm not sexual when really I'm afraid of looking fat and disgusting on top of him.

I will long to starve again. And so I will.
Bespeckled ** won't even bother fixing errors; I need to start proof-reading my blathes** 050114
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