epitome of incomprehensibility My first name starts with K. I was called "Krispy" and "Special K" as a child. I found the latter somewhat belittling, not because I had an obvious intellectual disability, but because it was the name of a cereal. The first only SUGGESTED cereal. It was half a cereal, like an incomplete protein. In retrospect, maybe that is more belittling - to be only half a cereal. 130625
e_o_i Besides, Harvest Crunch is the best. There's a lovely gap between the healthfulness suggested on the cover (the wholesome Quaker man, the warm tan glow) and the sheer sugariness of its contents.

The gap is what's sexy, says Roland Barthes in The Pleasure of the Text - the gap of skin between a glove and sleeve (more so for me than the midriff; too sporty-90s), the gap between style and meaning... When I was doing my MA I thought of making Roland Barthes pins:

Roland Barthes Says Reading Is Sexy

The Author is Dead -Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes is Dead -The Author

The second one's a ripoff, but even God has trouble spelling Nietzsche.

Sometimes the gap - not The Gap, there's enough product placement here as it is - wasn't fair. Like how the volume of cereal inside the bag was always less than what you expected from the cardboard, but the cereal that spilled over the bag and spilled into the bottom of the box quickly became stale, so whenever some flakes of Harvest Crunch were in danger of slipping down you had to balance the need for rescuing them with the undesirability of accidentally scooping up stale flakes as well.

Life is tough when you're six and you have no Roland Barthes to explain cereal to you.
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