belly fire it bothers me how some people are so proud of how much they've "changed"

and how some people can't help but point out, "Oh're so different! You've really changed!"

because we're older?
because we have more to say?
because we wear different clothes?

but underneath, what's FUNDAMENTAL (which is terribly subjective) to me, what I would consider my morals, my values...they're the same.

I'm still me...and you're still you.
Don't forget that.
Stop bragging.
DammitJanet maybe i want to have it known that i've changed
sure, my morals and values may be the same
maybe they're the only things that stayed
but when someone says to me "oh you haven't changed one bit" after not seeing me for ten years?
i get offended
because they're saying i'm still that shy, insignificant little girl who never stuck up for herself, who would never do anything unpredictable, who would never make anything of herself, and who no one really noticed or cared much about
i don't want to be known as her anymore
because i'm not her
i am me
me with the same morals and values
but i've still changed
what's it to you?
who go