epitome of incomprehensibility
Soft water creatures, different group than anemones. I'd searched how to make the word plural (plain old s in English) while not even caring what it meant. That is a Peril of Proofreading (contrast the_perks_of_proofreading). But I was arrested, in the non-penal sense, by a variety of beautiful images. And a sense of remembered texture - I remember when I could reach in and touch bound-to-the-ground sea animals at the Biodome. I was around eight (my memories of childhood all seem to place me around eight by defualt) and fascinated by the way the plantlike creatures could move, e.g. to draw in their frondlike arms when I touched them - perhaps in defense, perhaps in search of food. People eat the ascidian known as the sea pineapple. It looks pretty on the Wikipedia page, though the description is less than appetizing. I don't mind a bit of rubbery texture - I like the flattened black mushrooms sometimes found in Chinese soups and salads - but "dipped in ammonia"?