gone witness me at one of the very lowest points in my life
here I am
I hope this gets better
amy moi.

you've learned, or are learning, how to do whatever it is you've been learning to do. and you're doing it. (time is so slow, you know?)
unhinged i need a witness
for all the love you give
without a single kiss
i need a witness
where were you
when i needed it?
i need a witness

for loving you endlessly
without a footing
nothing to hold on to
ugly wracking sobs
when you aren't near
i need a witness

when you hold me so close
won't let me go
when we talk all night
without saying a word
friendship the crutch holding both of us up
i need a witness

where were you
when i needed it?
i need a witness
what's it to you?
who go