bethany harness
your thoughts on just one person
coz you know a harness was
made for one

harnes made of hope
a love thats on the ropes

your mind wide open to me
Jarec dont everybody go freakin out on me, this has happened once before but i forgot what i did to fix it

eh, we poked you wtih sticks till you fell down, remember?

you sure i didnt harness the power of the sun?

no, it was definitely sticks, beaten with sticks

alright, go get 'em...
belly fire a boy
and his dog
and laughing until we could almost taste our supper again, remember?
Don't forget to tell him when he's older - "We used to tie you to *that* tree!"
yenaldlosi straps and safety cage, stress points and dampeners. high speed impacts. 021125
what's it to you?
who go