Q It's better to not lock the door if you don't have a key. 040521
mindpop Before I had brain surgery, my friend Helen offered to shave her head in solidarity. But the surgeon didn’t shave off much hair, so she didn’t have to. He made an arc-shaped door to my head behind my hairline on the left side, and shaved just the area around it. After surgery, I looked like a wacked punk rocker for a while, shorn on one side. Now I have scars in my hair like a door. 120929
tender_square the aisle had hundreds of them encased in wooden frames, some with glass, most without, towering two levels high. i was searching for a replacement for my basement, pricing options. a dog door had been cut into the body of mine and leaked heat. the plexiglass flap made a weak border between safety and trespass. my parents have offered to shuttle a new one in their minivan. but the instructions clearly state, "do not angle, do not lay flat." the door is supposed to be transported upright, as though it were a portal one could walk through wherever it moved, strapped to the base of a truck bed. 230302
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