jinx I thought it should be it's own page. 020726
silentbob better without makeup 020726
Freak My eyes are so dark they are almost black. One day my dentist told me that she wished she could have eyes like mine. I wonder what things would look like through someone elses eyes. 020726
screwing for virginity i have only seen one set of eyes i just physcally could not look away from.

i saw them in the passing glance of a stanger, but she had the most perfectly shaped and colored eyes i have ever seen. it was at the kerrville_folk_festival a few years ago. i ran up and asked a genral question (the time, or directions to some random place, i cant remember exactly what) just to get another look. that second glance felt like it lasted for minutes.
silentbob you've got beautiful beautiful eyes 030121
megan they tell me so much. 030122
fluxcapacitating nexus silos burning
aperture ring burns
pale histories roasting
behind those parties
hands crumpling paper
furling flags improper
lady luck sings to these
critics specific to the time
flux hmm what? 041013
flux it's too bad i can't see them 061116
what's it to you?
who go