foreverfree it doesn't belong to anybody else. . . even if you think it belongs to somebody that isn't you, you're wrong. your life can be nobody elses other than your own. you might be enslaved by yourself, by thinking that somebody else means the world to you, but you are the most important person in your life, treat yourself as such.

do what makes you happy, and in being happy, you make those who love and appreciate you, happy. pursue your goals and dreams, and in doing so, you will learn to live with those among you. fight for that which you know you were brought in this world to do, because in loss, you will see a world only you have the power to create.

your life is your own, take it. it's been waiting for you since the day you were born. waiting for the moment you would realize there is only you and what you make of your life. by listening to yourself, you will hear the voices of all those that have helped you become who you are. by listening to yourself, you will really know, who cares about you, and who doesn't care enough or at all.

your life is your own, and if you don't take it, no one else will. you'll be as empty as the future ahead of you.
tilt your parents are responsible for your birth, not your life. 050713
what's it to you?
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