crOwl blowing clouds across the sky like film speeded up 080305
birdmad palm husks from the higher tops littering the courtyard 080306
past i tried twice to go down the steps, each time the wind hollowed through the narrowing, blinding me with flying snow. in the end i cut through one of the buildings to the side and made my way down to the [other] ground floor. my campus is built on hills, and all the narrowings between buildings are wind tunnels. 080306
raze it took hold of my hair and tried to pull it from my face, and then it took hold of the car door and tried to keep me from opening it. i can hear it still, gusting, trying to pretend it's a tornado. 140221
raze it's ripping it up out there at twenty-three miles an hour right now.

i've got half a mind to run outside with my old kite. naked. in the dark. in the freezing cold. just to see what happens.

(the smart money would be on "hypothermia, followed by an indecent exposure charge". smart money's so full of itself, it's forgotten how to have fun.)
nr if you cried in the cold windy_wind, would your tears blow straight off your face? 220111
what's it to you?
who go