epitome of incomprehensibility It appeared in my dreams, specifically my blatherskite_dreams. Not as fleshed out as dream_Tunisia, just verbalized. It's the place a tall man goes when he wants a fresh start.

His dark eyes widen with enthusiasm; dashes of straight hair fall over his forehead; his light brown skin makes me think one of his parents could be from Mozambique. He himself was born in Quebec or France, unless he's from Iran like boss B., the one he wants to follow to the country. B. is not a fresh start for me. In the dream (at_least) I still resent him.

If you don't want to go to Mozambique, do you want to have a baby instead? Fresh start.

No. Other people can have babies. I want to have art.

You could have both.

I'm a nerd, not a jock.


Mozambique is a country with verbiage and foliage. It gets luminous and oblique. I forget where it is before I look it up: I was right to place it near Tanzania, but it's farther south than I imagined.
what's it to you?
who go