mikey imanut imanut im a moron in a rut here me mumble ramble in shambles imanut imanut i can count so easily 1 and 2 and then theres 3 see me whistle hear me walk make the nasty noise with chalk imanut imanut moronic boob is me what you get you should have seen imanut imanut riddle me this riddle me that ponder the problem whats up with that chit and chat of this or that monsters scare me in my mind its a rat scattered thoughts i cant foresee imanut so watch out for me! 010306
Aimee mikey, you have almost too much time on your hands 010311
mikey time is to short. we can never have enough. 010311
spoons my sister used to sing a song called that...but then she sang a song about a chicken being held by the fbi.... 011223
what's it to you?
who go