raze how has your full blathernym in all its linguistic and rhythmic glory evaded documentation in blathe form for so long?

this cannot stand. and neither can i this early in the day. but i can gather fistfuls of daylight and throw them at the wall to see what sticks, and what bounces back the way it came.

thank you for being the wonderfully inventive e_o_i you are, and for teaching me the true meaning of the ineluctable modality of the visible.
epitome of incomprehensibility In answer to the beginning question: because it's long to write if it isn't already autosaved, so I don't blame anyone :) 220801
e_o_i ...and thanks for the kind words. You raze us up, so we can divide mountains by zero, as Josh Groban so memorably sang.

I think ineluctable modality of the visible means never having to say you're sorry. I'm sorry.

(Joey Comeau via Love Story via James Joyce - we're all connected)
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