nom frig! i feel like crying. i just lost my black & silver bracelet somewhere between my place and downtown, and i'm too wiped to try retracing my steps right now, and it's all slushy and dark out. i told myself not to wear it when i was putting it on. i knew i'd lose it. i didn't listen to myself. 060130
nom frig! i feel like crying. i just lost my black & silver bracelet somewhere between my place and downtown, and i'm too wiped to try retracing my steps right now, and it's all slushy and dark out. i told myself not to wear it when i was putting it on. i knew i'd lose it. i didn't listen to myself. 060130
nom double frig 060130
nom double frig 060130
nom again today someone said i_love_your_coat. i laughed. i was looking for the bracelet, i asked around, checked lost and founds. i even went to the copshop and reported it missing. 060202
what's it to you?
who go