Q We are also excited apart. 020401
lulie We are together excited apart. 020401
Sonya Tomorrow is the big day. Our date. OUR date! My teeth will probably chatter and I'll have goose bumps, but it'll be great I'm sure. I can't wait. It's been such a long time since our time in the desert. Lo hopefully remembers...it was almost an eternity ago perhaps. The month of May never felt so wonderful as it does right now.

I've almost finished reading Madame Bovary. Somehow I'm not even anxious for the ending because the story is pretty dismal, and yet I want to know what happens to Emma.

Back to the date at hand. I'll probably scrunch him on accident due to my excitement. I wonder if he'll take it very well...being bruised by me and all. I'll just shower him with kisses to make up for it. If only the skies didn't stretch on so far. If only I was more patient.
somenom i'm screming i'm excited
they're telling me
not to get too excited
not to get my hopes up
because they don't want
to see my hopes fall
like fireworks explodead
they don't want
to get their hopes up
they don't want to
get too excited

but i can't help
but get excited
i can't help
but watch
the fireworks and scream
how beautiful
i'm being conceived

i can't help
but get my hopes up
about this and that

and especially this and that

and this and that

and this
. . 050531
nom blue: superexcited 070329
what's it to you?
who go