amy in red i don't tend to lose my ability to be related. however, i'm not loathe to write it down in the Big Book, after awhile, i don't need to see so-and-so, for many many many many moons because they are doing an unfair low amount of homework, in a kind of me-too grabberism. and then when they do do their homework they forget about it, which is just lose-lose all the way around.

i have not done more "homework" than what was needed, but i also understand the need to stop and step through what i have managed to do. this might mean going through all the math again. however, i am aware of a certain danger of becoming too much of a relativist with the math uncontemplated, unreconciled, and undertreated.

math is on slow-burn for an extended amount of time if i need it or can come around to it again.

in the meantime, i work on how and who's gonna give me some actual money.
PeeT that's what i'm tslking sbout. see, i told you. do you see that? 120202
PeeT everything is related. all of us are made of the same constitution as if god put it all in a jar, shook the holy christ out of it, and then scattered it. 120519
what's it to you?
who go