i fall to pieces all my limbs are falling off of me
...and now i long
for my left knee
Kate When we start talking about diseases and bacteria, the Biology teacher/guys cross country coach Mr. Rick Lyons would sing his "Leprosy" song for us, which goes to the tune of the Beatles' "Yesterday". I can't remember the words but it was a pretty funny song. Remember Tracee, the upside down face that looked happy and demonic? 020523
paul mcleprosy suddenly
i'm not half the man i used to be
cuz now i'm an amputee
leper says to hooker You can keep the tip. 020524
bethany remember that part in Annie Hall where woody goes into a rant(how odd) about how he loves her when they're breaking up on the park
and he admits that he likes all the major skin diseases leprosy included

ahhhh ahahahaha that made me laugh
silentbob braaaains braaaaaains
use your brains to think of a plan
your delicious brains
what's it to you?
who go