not now someone has been stealing from my neighbour

he came over today and said some things were missing

and he's been noticing this for a while

this makes me feel uneasy

people don't lock their doors 'round here

i don't want to have to worry about this, or any sort of thing

it's one of the reasons i left the city

fuck, if someone is that desperate, i wish they'd just ask

i'd give them some money, or clothes, or food if they are in need, so would my neighbour

and frig, when i think about it, that could explain the disappearance of my brother's wallet earlier this year

and a few times, it's felt like there's been someone in my room, things out of place and shit

not now i do believe i mean burglary

robbery makes me think of highwaymen
or convenience stores
"give me all your money/gold,
and your watch/jewels"
what's it to you?
who go