epitome of incomprehensibility I can't help thinking this is stupid - naked women (or men, for that matter) having to lie down and serve as plates for sushi. Seriously? If you're a stripper, you're at least performing and doing something, but being a nude sushi plate?

The photo mitigates some of my head-shaking at the text content - being sort of funny - and I'm not sure this is the biggest human rights issue so I'm not intending to pester people about signing things, but here's the silliness I was talking about:
e_o_i wonders And what's if you're a human sushi plate you fart? Shouldn't affect the food any, unless it's placed directly on your rear, but it'd be rather embarrassing. And what's if you sneeze on it?! 140831
e_o_i I meant, What's if you're a human sushi plate AND you fart?

Not like, What's if you're a human sushi plate, you fart?
flowerock wouldn't it make more sense to eat it off of naked fishes or shells or even a boat or sea weed?

eating off of strange people sounds gross and awkward... do you at least share conversation with the human platter? why not use manequuinnes or cadavers?

I don t see it as a human rights issue if the people choose to do it. like figure drawing models with sushi...
what's it to you?
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