daxle it's the lull before the party
done cleaning everything up and getting supplies
done hiding all the breakables
but too early to get dressed up
and too light out for anyone to come yet
daxle another saturday night passed
another party attended
I don't mind this but I won't miss this
and I did so enjoy one thing:
swinging on the hammock watching old stars project their light onto us
freakizh weird radiohead song. 020610
e_o_i Lazy day after a week crammed with work and what do I do? Watch YouTube, mostly. Write a bit. My excuse? My left ear is still blocked; I can't really do things. 180313
raze the balm before the storm strafes my skin and wounds me into wellness. i don't trust anything that passes for peace anymore. i know it isn't built to last. 230522
what's it to you?
who go