belly fire What kind of a name is Igby?
The kind of name a person called 'Sookie' shouldn't put into question.
What do you major in?
For comic relief.
It's just you and me, old man.
Just you and me.

For me the answer to a question I've been pouring over...the improbability for a boy to truly hate his mother.
art choke the greatest movie ever. why are all the culkins so wonderful at acting.
she's a dancer who doesn't dance, her friend's a painter who doesn't paint.
It's like a bo-ho version of island of the lost toys.
silentbob i haven't seen this movie nearly enough 030510
raze sookie: you know what i think when i'm this close to another body? i think one day, at one moment, this body that i'm holding in my arms will stop breathing. stop living. just stop. one day you'll happen upon my name in the obits and you'll remember this moment when we were so close.

igby: you're a real fuckin' upper.
what's it to you?
who go