chanaka why doesn't it work? i try and struggle and peck at my keyboard, doing every trick, and yet it DOES NOT work.

all i want is an image. that's all! the html gods say "i don't think so."

yeah. but it won't show up on the page.

j_blue i am html guru 011118
luck is green i remember the days that with some html, javascript, sql and perl, i could get away with anything 011119
argo I guess this stuff won't work. but I gotta try

The Marquee de ||| is awesome. (see abstractions )
k‡ .. 021130
i ♥ my cock okay, just don't fooking use any fooking script commands anywhere, please 021130
pilgrim Just when I Mastered "Idiot"
This comes along and makes Me feel like an "Imbecil"
古波 我喜歡聽古典音樂。 021130
古波 extended characters

ä®g‰ how could you use script in blather? 021201
i ♥ my cock in can be used in the name entry field, but it causes the "who blathes" screen to go into a javascript error, hence my urging you to avoid it

see the following blathes from blue to see what i mean

there might be others that cover the same ground, but these are the most recent and the first that come to mind
pilgrim Seems like everdumbing was covering Both sides of an argument with themselves over there, what the hell was that about? 021202
what's it to you?
who go