luck is green osiris 010727
moonshine more like dismembered... 010729
luck is green that *was* sort of the point ;) 010729
moonshine I don't ever remember him be remembered. 010729
isis of course he was... 010730
alice Osirus was the "God of the Nile" to the Egyptians. He had many wives but his favorite wife was Isis. Osirus was murdered,(before he was the god of the Nile, at this time he was a pharoh)his body dismemebered, and put in the Nile. After he had been missing for a while, Isis went to look for him. Any way she found him, and somehow brought him back to life, except he would die every year and every year she would bring him back to life. So they named him the god of the nile. this story is really about the Nile River. It floods every year to give the people of Egypt very fertile soil. So every year when "isis brought osirus came back to life", it was the nile flooding. hence...the "God of the Nile." 020404
birdmad all my sins... 020405
khu two favourites really

Isis and Nephthys

image of one mourning by his head and one mourning at his feet as Anubis comes forth, hands at side, left foot forward
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