unhinged part of the sadhana_of_mahamudra
part of the kagyu lineage
part of my shambhala_training

grant your blessings so my mind may be one with the dharma
grant your blessings so that dharma may progress along the path
grant your blessings so that the path may clarify confusion
grant your blessings so that confusion may dawn as wisdom

dream yoga, what is the difference between waking and sleeping? is it possible to blur the lines between waking and sleeping? how much of waking life is lived in reality and how much is lived chasing dreams?

andrew holecek rewrote the four dharmas to support dream yoga practice:

grant your blessings so that my sleep may be one with the dharma
grant your blessings so that dharma may be practiced in my dreams
grant your blessings so that dreams may clarify confusion
grant your blessings so that confusion is transformed in dreamless sleep
what's it to you?
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