pilgrim The unknown land
That lies just beyond
The shimmering Horizon.

It beckons with the promise
Of better days,
And greener pastures.

And whispered tales
Of Warrior Women,
And El Dorado!
birdmad where grows the lotus? 010126
pilgrim http://pub19.ezboard.com/ftimetraveldayfrm1
This is a site that is attempting to jumpstart a temporal event on
If successful the world will have changed forever.
Just doing my bit to spread the word.
? ? 120726
Pilgrim Apparently 5 years was too Long for the graphic artist behind the WSC poster campain to invest in a web presence for their projected 09 21 03 timetravel target date. Any temporal incursion on that date will be coincidental rather than induced via a street art project. Unless some future Transtemporalist happens accross an old poster from the late 20th and takes the bait. As fragile as the paper medium is, it is still more reliable than the constantly evolving digital realm that requires ongoing transcription of data to the next generation format to remain accessable. When was the last time we read anything off of a floppy disk? But books? They are survivors. 120727
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