epitome of incomprehensibility Outside the window of the office: "Life! Is! COMPLEX! It's not written in a BOOK! God is not WATCHING you! Life is something more than you can ever, ever understand. Life is so beautiful... it's not what you think!"

And then he calls the guys he's arguing with "a bunch of faggots". Oh well. He made sense for a while.
e_o_i Yup, his interlocutors are a "bunch of queers" and they think they know the meaning of life. Both of these things make him sick.

Okay, I'm just about to yell out the window for him to shut up.
e_o_i I was just about to shut blather off when I read this as "drunk phonology." Which is what I was just doing, if drunk = tired. Which it isn't. But what do I know, I'm just a queer. Queer E for the straight A, onward! 240502
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