raze maybe i can reach things
inaccessible to you
maybe that's a thing
i'm prepared to do
but being kind of short
has its advantages as well
you don't smack your head on things
(that shit hurts like hell)
raze also, when this is a thing you are, you don't really feel it until you're making eye contact with someone who's as tall as you or maybe even a little taller. or at least that's how it is for me. i don't feel tall when i'm hugging someone who's more than a foot shorter than i am. but give me someone who's got a few inches on me and it's as if my brain says, "oh yeah, remember this thing? this is a thing. you have height." 160124
raze when a woman at the wholesale store says, "can i borrow you for a second?" you know she needs your length for something out of her reach. in this case, it's those new caramel-filled M&Ms. she says they're really good. i haven't tried them yet myself. 170703
what's it to you?
who go