epitome of incomprehensibility
When I saw how well this actor played a stoic, funny, but often lonely character in Jojo_Rabbit, I thought, "What was the other movie where she does that too, but more of it - where she's a main character?" And that's Leave_No_Trace, which I saw with my mom in the theatre a few years ago and with David yesterday. I wonder if she plays a similar type of character in other films or shows she's been in. I don't necessarily mean someone in a precarious situations, like living secretly in the woods or hiding from the Nazis. I guess it's not so much the context, but the personality - acting soft-spoken, expressive, and tough at the same time. I think it's cool to have more nuanced roles like this for women. Not that they haven't been around before, but it often seems that the smartass tough girl gets written as near-invulnerable, and the emotionally vulnerable girl as non-tough. The teenager in 28 Days Later was maybe an example too, subdued and believable despite the desperate situation of escaping zombie-like creatures and corrupt soldiers.