jane hi, k.

1. if you could have the thing that you want most in the world, but you couldn't tell anyone about it, would you still want it? would it even influence your desire in the least?

2. i am thinking about starting a zine here in town, and "innerviews" would be an awesome addition to it. do you mind if i hijack your title, or do i have to come up with something equally clever?

crOwl i'd be honored if you'd use the title and please send me your first issue!

i'm quite cheeky and so my secret desire is just that. shhh!
jane i don't need to know your secret desire in order for you to answer the question :) 091001
cr0wl sure i would still want it and the fact that it is a fantasy does influence it, although in the world of the imagination perhaps we all get what we want.

how about you...same question
what's it to you?
who go