kerry she is weightless but her mind is drenched and heavy with thoughts. while fat and muscle continue to fall from her body, while the film of her bones is stripped of its emulsion, she draws a roadmap that has no compass, no cardinal directions.

when she sees forests she longs to travel deep inside them. she avoids the generic paths, stepping off and trudging through the tissue of the woods. she is a disease penetrating the walls of the arteries and taking a backwards route to the heart.

once in the heart, she pauses in the ventricles and chambers because she can hear and feel the *pumping churning* of the forest's blood. she can feel it live, she knows its breath and pulse and stands right in the center of it, the forest closing up and living around her.
icewater that was beautiful, kerry... 021206
belly fire ...aren't quite where they used to be.
...aren't quite where I remember them.
kerry thanks, icewater. 021207
what's it to you?
who go