of a smallish, quaint cottage
fashioned from stones
carefully, lovingly
hand cut and fit

and as i approached i saw
the front windows,
adorned with weathered shutters
and matching hanging boxes
with stenciled cut-outs
of moon slices and stars
overflowing with red_blooms

i stood stark still upon the walk way
and dug my bare toes
into the delightful flagstone mosaic
outlined with mossy smoothness

the mailbox said 'welcome_home'

and_so i went inside...
lostgirl it was there again.

this beautiful little home surrounded by red_blooms....on the ground, in the window boxes, in vases placed just so.

the little house_of_dreams was filled with love

and this time there were children running about that i didn't recognize, but yet they were familiar somehow.

peacefully haunted by a quiet_world and having the best sleep of my life....
amy in red that sounds like a wonderful dream, lostgirl.... 110329
what's it to you?
who go