stork daddy so my yuppy friends wanted to go to some ethiopian restaurant on mission street. and i was just thinking what exactly does ethiopian cuisine consist of? do they serve you dirty water? do you sit there and starve for an hour and then they bring you the bill. 040208
stork daddy why don't they just send money straight over? why don't I? bastards the lot. 040208
:_) mission_street, san francisco. i have walked there a few times. that restaurant you speak of is where you walk in and they tell you they are out of food. 040210
friend of :_) i do believe i know of that place from my sister. she moved there to teach at SFU. 040215
friend of :_) speaks again wait, was it SFSU? 040215
andru235 where's my 10_foot_pole when i need it? 051207
what's it to you?
who go