Aimee that everyone else has the right to be an asshole here, but the moment I start acting the way I feel, people get all pissy. Bobby had his silentbobfuckyou days, sonya was the sullen feline, daxle is, well daxle, and the same goes for sabbie, what the fuck. 040309
stork daddy i've always been a ray of sunshine. but if you want to be mean to me, feel free. it's always fun. 040309
Not the Daddy Its' only because deep down we really want to piss you off.
Don't take it personally.
Aimee I don't even fucking care anymore. I wrote this this morning and by quarter to 5, I don't even care. So to make you happy mr/ms "not the daddy" go fuck yourself. take a poorly sanded plank of driftwood (make sure it's maggot infested) and shove it up your ass and (and if you have the ability to) up your cooch. make sure you have someone pull it out really fast, and then have them shove it in, nice and slowly. repeat. 040309
whitechocolatewalrus why the hell is it, aimee.
life is hell.
in fact, most people remind me of what hell would be like if i had to be around them for too long.
be bitchy all you want.
or assholey ish.
we all end up in one place or another and if it is heaven of hell or nowhere at all, these people are not going to be judging you then.
i wish i could be bitchier.
c it's because you're stupid. you're hard to identify with. if there are more dimensions to you, you need to show them. 040309
smurfus rex some folks don't like competition. 040309
Aimee "c"

perhaps you need to look for the depth instead of getting it handed to you on a silver fucking platter. use your real name next time asshole....
megan so hard to be normal 040310
no reason because you came into the middle of a fun game and expressed random anger, thus spoiling the mood. 040310
x "if there is anything else to her, it is her fault for not showing it to me, because lord knows i've been patient in looking" (written in reference to me)

that was me. i was a bit drunk and the c is next to the x.
Aimee no prob dax 040310
phil But take mine if you find it. 050106
phil Aimee is not stupid. 050106
misanthropic me Phil, why do you defend her anymore? She's not here.. she hasn't blathed for... months? almost a year now? she's probably gone to mourn her pathetic life. 050107
yotipo91 why_the_hell_is_it corn on the cob and meat on the bone, but heaven is too far away to listen to me, wondering wanting more than i can imagine, life a turning spinning wheel of death and dispair, killing of every living soul, and coming as another not knowing where he is. why the hell am i writing this? 051018
what's it to you?
who go