girl_jane You should know; you know everything-remember? 020703
harumi i have absolutely no idea...

mona loves you What was I thinking?
Oh man, what was I thinking?

I can’t believe what happenedhappened
Two years ago it was exactly what I wanted
Is it still?
It’s been so long

I can’t believe this

I liked it
I like you
But like that?

Kissing you is amazing
Just amazing

What was I thinking?

I want to know you meant it
No excuses
It was what you wanted

Plain and simple
god thinking? i wasn't fucking thinking about a goddamn thing. fuck. 040916
304 The real question is WHO were you thinking. 050818
304 The real question is WHO were you thinking. 050818
sab often when i get here
i havent been
Shattered What the hell was I thinking? Why did I think I had a chance with you? A chance to make you happy for the rest of your life. I'm nothing. I wanted to be everything to you. For a time, I was. But I ruined it. I warned you... I ruin everything. This was certainly no exception. 050818
what's it to you?
who go