once again Would you test me to destruction, just to find my breaking point. Is it not enough just to know that I am strong?

Here's to random wednesday nights. To the sunday after that.

Does it excite you in the same way that nuclear war might? Does it tear you down and rend you into pieces and make you smile all the while?

Is it not enough to know that I will last. Must you test my perserverance to destruction?
neesh "oh how awful, did he at least die painlessly? to shreds, you say...well, how's his wife holding up? to shreds, you say..." 041101
other sine_metu 090314
unhinged i want to leave a swathe of shards in my wake, throw it all away and start over.

when i guess the mature thing to do would be to shoulder my part in the situation, learn from it, do better. it's hard to be objective when you feel like you've been attacked though. like every good thing you've done has been negated by one stupid thing. like going to work is some melodramatic death march. i hate when i have a pit in my stomach. it sucks up all the goodness; my stomach is a vortex of goodness right now.
unhinged (i don't think the undercooked quinoa risotto i made yesterday is helping either) 090315
what's it to you?
who go