trixie awesome radio program.

public radio

go there
knot meat so many americans must be closet nihilists or at the very least cynics if they believe this is the best we can do. i mean, if they're content enough to not question or doubt. 041117
oldephebe i've loved that show for the past 9 years...ira is effete and somewhat effeminate and brittle one but after all the androgeny and sepulcrally thin and ghastly complexion...he's as sharp as gold laminated high gloss tack

like she said go there npr
ever dumbening episode 74
act 3

where miracle smashes into dream
unhinged relics_of_a_suburban_life 041212
unhinged sickhouse 050118
jane david_sedaris 050302
Twinkie the Kid Sarah Vowell is one of my personal heroes 050303
hsg set up to make you question or doubt eventually. and until you do, things become less and less bearable, more obvious that you have to at some point grow up and think for yourself, take some responsibility for your existence and not clain to be "a product of society" 050724
silentbob i have never listened to it live on the radio 101027
silentbob Heard a bit of it in the cab on V_Day. Promptly came home and downloaded the podcast. 110225
what's it to you?
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