The Truth I think bumperstickers are a much better way to communicate to all those bad drivers out there, since hand gestures don't seem to be solving the problem.

"Keep Right Except to Pass"

"I am only honking at you because you're stupid!!"
mmm "if you can read this i'm going to slam on the brakes"

"technically you're staring at my cars ass"

"wwjd what wouldn't jesus do"
dB "The alleged car" 010703
Dafremen "I'm tailgating your grandmother."

"Can't wait 'til you're close enough
for me to deploy the grappling hook."

"How is this Police Officer driving? Call 1-888-8POLICE."(I recommend the magnetic version rather than actual adhesive as this is a special occasion bumper sticker for use in extreme tailgater environments like the freeway. Not recommended for ghetto travel, party hopping or dealer visits.)
kingsuperspecial I had an idea that I wanted a bunch of small stickers with picture of a screw on them, so I could go around to all the people who had "

I -picture of heart- MY -dog, cat etc-

and change it to

I -picture of screw- MY -dog, cat, etc-

of course, I never got motivated to actually do that.
Dafremen Thus are heroes're mine now...hope you don't mind...shouldn't last too long. 010703
Devious1 Your wife is under my steering wheel 011028
Angie Fat People are Harder to Kidnap 011028
peyton Don't laugh, your daughter might be in here. 011029
silentbob Warning: This car stops at every garage sale 011029
rollins Life is short. Get off as much as possible. 011029
TalviFatin "Smile if you got some lastnight." 011029
tourist UP URANUS 011029
Inanna If you tailgate me, I'll flick a booger on your windshield.

Some people are leaders. You are following one.
Dafremen My brakes may or may not be better than yours. Get any closer and you'll find out.

If that's YOUR mailbox plastered to the front of my car...sorry do0d.
Effingham Fish My other car sucks, too. 011103
pat sajak i brake for no apparent reason 011103
Norm I'm the proud parent of your wife's son 011103
Piso Mojado i love your mom 011108
nah....! come_aboard_the_ship_of_fools 011108
TalviFatin Keep the Earth clean, it's not Uranus. 011108
lost "keep your rap outta my METAL!!" 011108
lost tattoos peircings and pain it's a good thing

i have this one but it's just a regular sticker. not a bumper sticker
SuicidalAngel I saw one the other day, that is so simple but it was just cute.. it said "Kick Me" LoL I dunno why, but I just want it! 011108
nocturnal "New_Orleans, Oy! Such a home!" 011108
Subterranean Visions FIRE THE STINGER ROCKETS 011109
Casey Instead of the sticker that says: We are the proud parents of an honor student.

We are the proud parents of a student who has not conformed to his teachers or corporate america.


Our student is cross-eyed and still wets the bed at age 10.
ClairE I saw one that read:
I love animals. They taste great!
Norm I saw one that read War and Peace.

I wanted to ask it how it read War and Peace without eyes but it had no mouth to speak with and no ears to hear me ask.
rubydee "jesus thinks you're a jerk" 011129
cheer-up-emo-kid I have this sticker of a band called gorealslow .... Im gonna put it on my car. 020515
stork daddy aborted baby on board

please direct your middle finger to my passengers

there are good things ahead of you in life.

thanks for the free smog check

the batmobile is in the shop

you'd be driving erratically too if you had no pants on

yes that is a human head in my lap, no i'm not a mass murderer. Got it?

My grandma died and all i got was this lousy car

if you're close enough to read this, could you check the trunk and make sure my illegal alien is still there?

please pass on my good side if you insist on making eye contact

preemptive oops

i like cats, they make cooler noises than dogs when you run em over

sorry officer, the drugs are in my other car.

is this really the last thing you want to read before you go?
b some cars just aren't made to have bumper stickers..then you have those cars covered in the things..
i think one of those people with lots of stickers should get this one at the bottom : "if you have had time to read all of these we've been sitting at this light far too long..lets run it on three. one...two...see ya"
silentbob stork daddy

your aborted baby made me laugh real hard. not really. but i liked it.
stork daddy that's what i want on a bumper sticker...this bumper sticker made me laugh real hard...well not really...but i had space 020516
:_) what would ozzy do? 040201
:_) also (and i really saw this)

this car is undergoing a scientific dirt test. do not wash this vehicle
(or something like that)
hyena "wannabe"
so i can slap it right above the "freak" sticker.
silly veal.
smurfus rex This is MY pickup! Go get your own!

No, I will not help you move

This isn't NASCAR, so stop drafting

I don't have room for you AND your car in my backseat

I take my half of the road out of the middle

My other ride is your mother

Cthulhu for President '04!

I Brake For Boobies

Reform School Valedictorian

Did you get your license out of a cereal box?

You had an extra bowl of stupid this morning, didn't you?

It wasn't me.

Space Monkey

I use the Force to drive.

Don't yell at me. I can't hear you.

If you knew how to drive, YOU would be in front of ME
realistic optimist bug guts 040202
jenny enny dots imagine whired peas 040203
jenny enny dots correction:

imagine WHIRLED peas
whitechocolatewalrus stop looking at me, fucker

(just because i hate it when people look at me while i'm singing to my loud music)

i hope you get hit by a truck

(because i hope that a lot of people get hit by a truck)

watch out for the dinosaurs

(because i like dinosaurs)

of course, i would probably put these on my wall in my room because i can't see them if they are on my car.
jenny enny dots I don't really want it but.....
I saw it....

You are a bad boy
Go to my room
brucejohnaisherone the best part of being on top
is deciding who to shit on.
MeKoy 4 my bro plz tell your boobs to stop starring at me

and for me my imaginary friend thinks uhave probls
justin_mac_stud Parallel parking is good, but horizontal parking is better. 040405
click did you mean "perpendicular parking is better" ?? 040405
z remember how bad bush II was? 040405
z re-elect gore in 04 040405
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuck my car and i'll fuck you up the ass 040405
tush follow me over the edge, asshole 040405
Coz I don't need your issues.
Lemon_Soda Save the Environment: Kill your Nieghbors. 040406
Novice . 040406
Save Trees. Eat a beaver 040407
confessionof Save trees: Wipe your ass with a beaver.

Now that's more like it.
i'll keep that in mind.
kookaburra I Want To Implode When I Die 040409
kookaburra You Are A Dumbass,
Thats All You'll Ever Be,
Even You're Own Mother,
Would Laugh, And Then Agree.

thats kinda long, i'd have to put it in the window.
what's it to you?
who go