kss bitch bitch bitch
bitch bitch bitch

bitch bitch
bitch bitch bitch

bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

oh, but you should really be more like me
or not like you
because being like you isn’t clever or right.
because blather is my own little thing
and I just can’t stand people
that do it
and you are stupid
and I can’t put my own name here
but I sure can
bitch bitch bitch

whatever, you fuckwit.
The Spork of course not, man, these anonymous shit-rakers are the same sad bitter little creatures who know that ultimate rejection of having their hand fall asleep while they masturbate 021218
kss fuck, I hate it when that happens.

I'd like to think I've done my share of shitraking, so I guess I can't squawk too loud. still, the winds seem to be coming from mean-land lately.
Johnny Blahchren my name is Johnny Blahchren, please address me as so
i'm not the only one with multiple names, you know
as for spork and his masturbation parlance
it's hard, I must admit, with your experience
the spork (polishing the silverware) well, johnnie boy, your rhyming skills and rhetoric just made me need to go have a toss right now, damn that was sexy. 021218
stupid having multiple names and making up a new name every time you want to crap on someone is not the same thing. 021218
Johnny Blahchren Hello stupid, I see you're aptly named
But read my words carefully, you'll see no one was defamed
I simply wished to post a protest
To a pattern of which I find grotesque
And you and others are free to continue
As is my right to bitch at you
Multiple names can come from different places
And I use mine to show different faces
And this one here, as you can see
Is the face or irritability
stupid wow. I'm surprised that you got the humor of my name.

I'm also surprised that you'd try and pass off being an asshole as "expression".
Spork brandishing and endoscope Funny, i know someone who has an irritable colon, i guess that's one more thing you have in common with that orifice

now just you say "ahh"
??????? I'm the question mark guy. There are a bunch of question marks on my birth certificate. And The Spork sucks. 021218
stork daddy and if you aren't accused of having stupid worthless ideas...they'll accuse you of stealing good ones. and what joy is there when you finally shut them up with an inescapable contribution to something...they just piss and moan about how vindictive it was of you to do so. 021219
Johnny Blahchren What is expression, but the act of expressing
I wanted to express that blather is regressing
So call me an asshole, why should I even care
You don't mean shit to me, so kiss my derriere
Spork, I must admit though that the colon remark is clever
But I can't say the same for all your words however
Reusing old jokes, you're really quite a bore
Look under "loneliness" to see Gollum's words once more
No, I should just assume, please don't reprimand,
You probably didn't read his words, you experienced it first-hand
The Spork i've been using that joke from time to time on people like you since well before i came to blather.

and, what, are you suddenly mistaking your tired rhyming games as "clever?"

and as for stork daddy's remark that doing anything original will only get you bitched at, what precisely is orignial about the question-marks' need to bait people.

i've said something similar to this before to daffy when he was the target of my rantings: if you go around pissing on people's leg like a terrier with a bad bladder, don't turn around and play the martyr when people start pissing pack in your direction.

That "who, me? what did i do?" routine is and always has been a load of crap, and if you expect anyone to buy into it, you are even dumber than whatever turn of events provoked your grand shit-raking adventure
misty mountain hop boo hoo. john doe screen name hurt jane doe screen name's feelings. how trite.
just because you rhyme and you throw around literary reference here and there and are supposedly so smart and great and superior. blather away little sparrows, blather away. keep it up, i adore a little hide-behind-the-psuedonym vendettas.
Johnny Blahchren Spork, you're obviously the one with the aggression issue
Who said stork daddy was even talking to you?
If you pay more attention it was your remark I called clever
I made no reference to myself; none whatsoever.
Anyway the point still stands, your jokes are quite played out
Do the world a giant favor, why don't you just fade out?
Johnny Blahchren Pardon me misty, but please do tell what literary reference I make?
Are you reading this semi-conscious or even half-awake?
The Gollum which I speak of, of which I think you refer
Is not the one from any book, but a name of a blatherer!
And to clear it up, for all you dopes
My rhyming is not in hopes
That you will find me a wise one
It's all for my own fun
misty mountain hop who said that was in reference to you? and i make no promise to be awake, asleep, semi-conscious or otherwise at any given point in time especially not when blathering to, about, or in reference to you or any one else. furthermore, you're just plain silly. 021219
mourningstars Oh, For FUCKSSAKES!

i stopped reading blather beacuse of shit like this. man, some o fyou fuckers sure know how to waste space on shit. i come back asnd wht do i find...more of the same shit...

Both of you.

question-fuck for your little excersises in mental masturbation and you, Spork for giving him the benefit of the rise he wanted to get outof somebody

??????? I like Johnny's Dr. Seuss rhymes. Is Misty Mountain Hop a new character here? Oh, and the Spork still sucks. 021219
??????? Hey, jackass, questionmarks is different than the Johnny Dr. Seuss guy. I don't do rhymes. 021219
??????? Everyone stop fucking whining. Jesus. 021219
??????? Oh, and by the way, "MourningStar", I checked your posts to see if you have any right to pass judgment, and you don't. The revelation that you enjoy danish for breakfast is just about the most insightful thing you've said. So as much as you dislike my writing, or that Johnny guy's, or even the Spork's, I like yours less. You silly dumb fuck. 021219
??????? That's my whining for the day, motherfuckers. 021219
slowly seeing the point man, this is really pointless. it's like punching a tar_baby. you losers take shitraker to a new, extremely immature level. speaking of patterns that are retarded... 021219
??????? I love you, slowly seeing the point. 021219
Spork. btw, mourningstars, johhny shitbox and question-mark guy... you can all feel free to blow me. 021219
??????? Hey, wait, slowly seeing--it seems that every person who types his name here gets included in the next spectator's virulent condemnation. Put your name here and become one of the damned, you cowardly fuck! 021219
no really I see the point now yeah, right. not my idea of worthwhile interaction.

bye bye, you sorry bitches
screwing for virginity on a related note, but not directle part of the conversation here: it seems to me that everyone at blather has beena little on edge latley. this is a prime example. i can feel the irritabillaty of most of the posts on here.

im thinking its the holiday season that is putting everyone at edge, or mutant zombie gas from venus is in the atmosphere, or something because it isnt just at blather, or even just on the internet. it seems that everyone is more irritable lately, and it is really odd.
The Spork wait,

"sorry bitches?"


i'd know the source of that particular indictment anywhere.

but i'm not tellin' Nyeah!-Nyeah!-Nyeah!

Now, the rest of you i named earlier can still feel free to blow me, but this just became fun now.
??????? KingSuperSpecial, right? Fuck yeah, Spork, thanks for the tip. I'm still KingSuperSpecial. 021219
Johnny Blahchren Enjoying yourself Spork, while insulting all the others?
You're the real shit-raker, you've revealed your true colors!
I never attacked anyone, go check, I've only responded
I felt I had something to say, and didn't go beyond it.
In my rhyme, you were mentioned, but only to acknowledge
That in terms of masturbation, you'd be dean of Masturbation College
I also merely corrected you, for your "clever" misunderstanding
And pointed out for your benefit the aggressive stance you're standing
And now you've return with rapier wit, and said to me, "blow me"
I'm not into that you see, why don't you ask your secret "sorry bitch" homey.
The Spork You know, kss, on second thought, after "you_have_got_to_be_kidding_me" I retract my whole defense of you since you've gone and done exactly the sort of bitching that made you feel all persecuted and originate this now hypocritical whine of a blathe.

Seriously, there is now enough irony here to flip the magnetic poles of the earth if we're not careful.
I'd accuse you of having just stepped on your own dick, but I'm not going to give you the kind of credit to assume you're hung like that, pal.
kss hmm, what's this flaming bag on my doorstep?

wow, could my penis size really be illustrative of my worth? I hadn’t considered it relavent, but perhaps you’re right. Or, is that a cleaver example of the pole flipping irony you were talking aboutyou being mean during an expose of my meanness? Perhaps pole shrinking irony is more what you had in mind?

I don't see nearly as much irony as you're hoping for. I guess if you feel my opinion as to the stupidity of some recent posts as bitching, or as an assertion that people are blathering wrong, then yeah, there is some irony. For what it’s worth, that wasn't my intent, though I suppose it could be taken that way. I did intend to speculate on how blather's appeal to new eyes might be influenced by what is currently a trend. That speculation also implied that I find most of the current content to be rather uninspired and trivial, so be it. I don't think I was mean about it, nor did I suppose I knew of a better way. I guess I see mean and critical as different, though I’ll admit the line can be unclear.

The idea that I'm a hypocrite and a whiner is subjective, so I won't bother to debate that. You feel how you will, there's not much I can do about that.

Thanks for the articulate reflections into my character, though. From now on, I'll take care to consider the location of my dick before stepping.
not the spork not the daddy if you go around watching your nether regions you are going to run into something hard and metallic, leaving you with 24 stitches and a nasty concussion. 031128
what's it to you?
who go