x that's more my style 031012
misstree mmmm, visions of sugarplums and semiautomatics, red puddles decorating the fake snow at santa's photo op in the mall, shoppers with packages fleeing, some dropping their bounty, others clinging like life itself, screaming children left behind... yeah, i could get into this holiday shooting season. even if it was just sniping with a tranquilizer gun, or lobbing a dozen or so gas grenades and shopping with a gas mask, i think it would increase my enjoyment greatly. families would really be thankful for whoever survived to make it to christmas dinner, and gift returns would be tearful affairs, returning gifts meant for those who didn't make it.

yeah, even just having this thought hanging out in my brainbox will make it a better helliday season.
i am the passenger santa claws leave deep marks 031013
Nukemall pick a tower 031015
what's it to you?
who go