mon i feel like i've killed something
maybe it was a bird
or a stone
who can hear its song now
who could listen to its throat cry

ears of thought
the heart with sound rings
echo the beat
shout the flow
air a distillery

a resurrection surely
this infant breath
new wings of new flight
a new eye of measurement

there is a stone
there is a bird
whitechocolatewalrus [pretty stones
pretty birds]
this is the picture excellent birds 040219
oldephebe another ambrosia breath of rustic illumination 040219
clueless in cluelessville yesterday, i remembered writing this

i asked myself:
"what the heck was that one about?"

i don't understand nomme,
most of the time
oldephebe it's whelped upon the same smelting canvas as say a robert frost
rummaging around
through all the empty rooms
at midnight..
in the ol' family stead,
cathedral of fallen glory,
cracked and coated
in her sepulcral shroud...
seeing again all the trees
he had passed..
like looking through a rearview mirror and feeling
than vaguely motion sick..
old, rheumatoid and parkinson plagued ghost and
falling shards
each cutting
a clean indentation,
crimson incision..
bloody glyphs of thawing memories...
our defiled self-deceptions
melt into this doom gray shawl...
and like emily said..
we start to feel the funeral in our head...

tell yourselves to us again and again nomme..
oE tight breaths in taut hours..and these are the fires that frustrate me...
zeke excelent words 040220
three words don't_do_it stone_and_bird mumble 060101
what's it to you?
who go