soia 4/17/95 [2 months before my dad died]

pleading to insanity
for my mind is not real
wanting what the others have
such a shame I cannot steal

person in hell reaching for heaven
I really wish thst I could leave
but yet I know I am the fallen
just because I can't believe

wanting to share
no one likes my hatred
my personage bare
nothing I hold sacred

[it feels so trite and forcibly rhymed, the kind of thing you would expect from a 13 year old who can't write poetry to this day, and yet it holds a place in my heart. it flows in my brain, following the contour as if it's been thru there a million times before.]
birdmad admirable in its honesty

my mother died the same year
nr this song is too good to still be attached to old associations 200419
nr it's time to be outlaws for other love or no love at all 200419
xelda I'd take you for a walk on the beach, under the pier, onto the cliffs. I'd show you to your safe space. I'd listen, and listen, and listen. I'd help you understand that everything you are feeling is completely normal, and that your feelings will arise and pass, if you learn how to let them. I'd teach you how to practice self-compassion and rewrite the mean voice in your head. We'd practice using our breath and roll our toes around in the sand. I'd be tempted to warn you against doing dumb stuff, but I'd resist. Maybe I'd talk to you about the wonders of therapy and how to convince your mom to get you some. I'd give you a hug if you'd let me. And then we'd walk back, and you'd feel lighter, all your heavy thoughts evaporated into the clouds. 211130
what's it to you?
who go