raze there was a feeling of stiffness for most of the day, somewhere around the neck or right shoulder. i couldn't pinpoint it and so couldn't rid myself of it. it felt something like boredom had walked out of my mind and into my body and wanted to make itself known without being found. and at some point it was just gone, like it had never been there at all. i guess the day grew more interesting. 130420
amy adaptability all day long i had trouble smiling and was feeling altogether disaffected. i was like, why go into the record store on record_story_day when i can go on a more normal day and scoot around so much easier? so i just walked by.

but then, just like raze said, at the end of the day i eased up, relaxed, and started having a much better time of it (i had had no coffee in the morning. the guarana taurine caffeine blue sky drink is what flipped the switch. perhaps.)

today i'm back to my sinus infection (i never have those!) and foot injury.
unhinged always
my head feels like it's too heavy for my neck
my arm refuses to function

it's really hard to fake it
when your arm is screaming at you all the time
'hey asshole do something'
what's it to you?
who go