luck is green sometimes i sit back and thing about trying to honestly make amends for all the things i've fucked up, all the people i've injured. it seems most people, even if they don't always admit it, are intensely lonely much of the time (including me). maybe, for just a moment, i can bridge that gap and make them smile. but people are also intensely afraid of the unknown, and are bred into nonconfrontationality and don't like to have their fragile peace of mind threatened. so i sit back and wait for inspiration, and let memory bleed into dust. 011215
pilgrim All is recorded at the Event Horizon
Every action
With it's equal but opposite reaction
The Universe is a self balancing Act
bird marley song 011217
amy anthropology Don't know why have to be involved in the Great Swastika Redemption.

All symbols, taken out of ( literary , mostly ) context, are awful. I ain't healin no swastika.
what's it to you?
who go